White Memorial

Senior Activities


White Memorial Medical Center (WMMC) provides senior citizens with supportive programs, services, informational videos, helpful resources, and information on upcoming events to help you thrive. The following programs and services are offered free of charge by White Memorial and our community partners unless otherwise indicated.

  • Senior Citizen Online Resources — Discover useful information from the Los Angeles County Senior Housing, Aging Well in L.A., Alzheimer’s Organization and many more.
  • Senior Citizen Services (MAOF) — White Memorial in collaboration with the Mexican American Opportunity Foundation (MAOF) offers senior citizens 60 years of age or older, on-site as well as over the phone, assistance, resources, referrals to agencies and programs based on individual needs. Click here for events.
  • Upcoming Senior Citizen Events — From health screening to workshops, every quarter we publish a Community Calendar (English/Spanish) for free classes & events held at White Memorial.
  • Videos — White Memorial has helpful informational videos for senior citizens focusing on our Stroke Center, pharmacy, diabetes services, and much more.

For more information about free senior citizen services at White Memorial, please click here or call our our call (323) 307-8937.
